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CV & Project List:


1994 Born and raised in Guangzhou, China

2011 Portrait series, as a freelance photographer

2013 Self Documentary, as director, cinematographer


2015 Selected in "20 Asian Young Photographer" show curated by China Photographer Associated; Photography work exhibited in Dali city, Lianzhou city, and Beijing.


2015 Exchange student and Artist Residency Program at Prague Academy of the Fine Arts, Czech Republic


2016 Graduated from City University of Hong Kong. Bachelor of Art and Science in New Media


2016 Work as a film production assistant, at Wang Xiaoshuai Studio, Dongchun Films Co,ltd, Beijing China


2017  Associate produced the feature film "An Elephant Sitting Still" as a production assistant, script supervisor, and actress (directed by HU Bo). Four months later from quitting the job, HU Bo committed suicided


2018  "An Elephant Sitting Still" won the best feature film at Golden Horse Festival, Best Mention Award at Berlin International Film Festival...etc

2019 Accepted by Chelsea Collage of the Arts and Design, London University of the Arts  (MA Fine Art)

2020 Artist in residency at Free University Tbilisi, Georgia

2021 Graduated with distinction in UAL

2021 Move back to China

A memorial article about HU Bo was published along with his book

2022 Teach Short Video Production, Video post-editing, Film Scoring, and Sound Design, Social Media Content Development, Live-streaming Techniques at Shunde Polytechnic

2023 tbc

跳跃在音乐、电影、表演及多媒体装置之间,以艺术创作-教育教学-创意文化生产为锚点活跃在中国南方。拥有伦敦艺术大学艺术硕士学位 (2020) 和香港城市大学创意媒体学院新媒体文理学士学位 (2016) 。 在工作和学位之间,她曾先后在捷克共和国布拉格美术学院(伊拉斯谟+交换项目)及格鲁吉亚第比利斯自由大学(由英国文化部资助)开展艺术家驻地项目。2015年被中国摄影家协会策展团队收录为“亚洲20位新锐摄影师”之一,在北京、大理、连州等地进行巡回摄影群展。她也是2018年第68届柏林国际电影节获奖影片《大象席地而坐》(胡波导演)的导演组及制片团队成员。






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